Parking Information
Parking Types

Business Parking
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
Where businesses have no access to off-street parking or in-residence parking, and a vehicle is essential to the operation of the business they shall be able to purchase permits to allow parking in any designated parking spaces within their area.
A limit on the number of permits issued may be set where considered appropriate. Such permit must not be more than Ten per-cent (10%) of the entire parking supply of the area at a premium as may be determined by the Lagos State Parking Authority
The level of business permit charge shall take into account the level of charge for any on-street long stay parking provided in the district and shall be at least twice the level of any residents’ permit charge in the area.

Event Parking
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
The Lagos State Parking Authority in conjunction with Ministry of Transportation shall conduct a traffic impact assessment audit of all existing Event Centers, Entertainment Centers and Hotels, every Three (3) years to ensure compliance with the parking requirement and regulations of the State.
Within urban areas where new roads are being offered for adoption as public highway, there will be an expectation that parking will only be permitted on-street where properly designed parking areas are provided. The assumption will be that any other parking on-street will not be permitted.

Commercial Parking
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
Commercial vehicles are prohibited from parking on any street where metered/regulated parking is not allowed. These streets shall be properly identified through signages.
Taxi parking in the State shall adhere to the provisions of the Lagos State Modern Taxi Scheme. Designated on-street parking bays and registered by the Lagos State Parking Authority shall be provided on streets to allow parking for Taxis at strategic intersections close to business /hospitality centres. Taxis parked at such on-street parking bays shall not attract any parking fee.

Residential Parking
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
The level of development in the State is anticipated to increase parking pressures in urban areas and it is expected that there will be an increasing need for residents’ parking schemes. The provision of residents’ parking should form part of area wide proposals with the level of parking provided for residents balanced with other local needs.
The designation of areas where residence permit will be allowed shall be athe responsibility of the Lagos State Parking Authority.